Are you on a low income and struggling to pay for food, energy or necessary
household items? We are a local charity able to support people living in
Blewbury, the Astons and Upton by providing one off payments to help you,
or someone you know in need.
To apply there is a short application form to complete which can be picked
up from St Mary’s Church porch, Blewbury Post Office or requested by email
to We can help you fill in the form if needed.
All applications are assessed on an individual basis but, as our funds are
limited, we give priority to those in receipt of benefits such as Universal
Credit, Tax Credits and Pension Credit or those who have extenuating
circumstances such as ill health or vulnerability. Please don’t be reluctant to
ask for help, all applications are dealt with confidentially.
Here we are, already in the middle of Spring, with no sign of economic
improvement on the horizon in the country. We continue to receive a steady
flow of requests for financial help from local people who find themselves
unable to make ends meet. Looking ahead, we are going to struggle to help
as many individuals and families in Blewbury, Upton and the Astons as we
would like, unless we can generate more funds.
If anyone of you out there in the community feel able to help by donating
any amount, small or large, we would be extremely grateful. You can do this
through our Just Giving page
Thank you very much in advance, and if you have any questions, please do
get in touch with us by email
United Charities of the Ancient Parish of Blewbury Registered Charity No: 20353