Draft Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council
Upton Village Hall on Wednesday 23rd October 2024 at 19.00
In attendance: Chair Ben Shaw (BS)
Councillors David Beckles (DB) Brendan Heneghan (BH) Chris Seelig (CS) Francoise Yates (FY)
Clerk Lisa Heneghan
1. Apologies for absence Apologies received from the District Councillors
2. Declarations of interests relating to this meeting BS declared an interest in the hedge line bordering part of the Nature Garden
3. Open Forum No members of the public were present
4. Approval of the minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 25th September 2024
5. Planning
5.1 VWHDC enforcement on VE24/201 (Wattle Farm): Further reports of building activity have been forwarded by parishioners. Outside Wattle farm main site and gate is an area between the footpath and the Lynch Way of scrub land which was offered to the George as an overflow car park if they cleared it. This was agreed on a handshake with the manager/owner of Wattle Farm. It was proposed a discussion to take place with the person doing the work and for it to stop explaining planning permission may be required and possible long term implications for planning to build a dwelling/barn – voted on and approved unanimously. The enforcement officer to be emailed. It was agreed there was no issue with car park per se.
5.2 application P24/V2197/DIS – discharge of conditions on application P24/V2197/DIS: this was acknowledged
6. Review of village matters:
6.1 Local MP Olly Glover (OG) has agreed to a site meeting to look at flooding issues. A message to be sent to OG’s assistant to ask when.
6.2 TFM carried out an inspection of the salt bins confirming the contents needs replacing and their quote: Unanimous vote the quote was way outside price parameters. TFM would be thanked for their interest but quote rejected. Other solutions to be considered and reviewed at next meeting.
6.3 In view of the fact that TFM has quoted on numerous items in recent months, and other quotes for work in the village being expensive and unaffordable, the idea to employ a lengthman – odd job man – on minimal hours to do all these jobs rather than employ expensive sub contractors, was considered. The idea is to get the jobs done. Concerns: insurance, right equipment, wage level. The idea is to save money and aggravation. Noted employee would need to attend relevant courses if not already holding appropriate certificates. All in agreement to look into this further.
6.4 Sustrans have checked the map of the network and own the track on which benches are in need of repair. Accordingly the repair is their responsibility
7. Arrangement of Personnel Committee meeting to approve the signing off of the Clerk in the role Personnel committee to meet Wednesday 30th Oct 10.00. An agenda will be sent.
8. Correspondence from Councillors There is a need for improved correspondence from Councillors. It was agree that if emails distributed by the Clerk do not have attachments / discussions, WhatsApp could be used for quick response. More formal ones have to be on email but a priority ranking will be tested: FYI (councils etc) URGENT if answers needed, and VOTE where a vote is requested. Also to be used in reverse if councillors send emails
9. Finance & Administration
Treasurers Account to 27/09/24 £25,235.01
Business Bank Instant Account to 10/09/24 £12,905.11
Total funds available as at 30/08/24 £38,140.12
9.1 Authorisers for next month’s payments to be BS & DB
9.2 Approval of September payments made within budgeted amounts: Approved
9.3 Bank reconciliation signed off to end of September 2024.
9.4 Purchase of replacement of broken marquee poles discussed: There are 2 marquees. 17 poles and 3 connectors damaged. Canvas not yet looked at. A full set of poles and connectors for one marquee have been sprayed blue . The second set will be sprayed yellow. If loaned in the future borrowers will know they have one complete set. The George will be asked to pay for all or some of the broken poles. A review of hiring costs of marquee to be considered and put on next agenda
9.5 The donation from Uptonogood was £5,653 of which the organisers have requested £75 goes to the Nature Garden funds. It was proposed there should be a public thank you to the Uptonogood organisers.
9.6 The budget v.expenditure for first two quarters of year was signed off
9.7 The PC financial position is very challenging. It needs to find funds to be able to deliver projects which are necessary for the village. The Annual Budget forecasting and investment meeting to be held 30th Oct.
9.8 The PC currently only receives income from the precept and generous donations from Uptonogood each year. The PC has to consider other streams of income from its assets.
9.9 The PC looked at what other villages in the area do with their assets and considered doing the same. Due to the damage to the recreation ground; people driving over it; parking on it and cutting the ground up causing mud; people from outside the village parking in the car park to catch the bus; unsociable activities and drug use in the car park and recreation ground. It was agreed going forward the car park will be locked permanently accept for events running at the Hall and on recreation ground.
9.10 Charging for parking in the recreation car park was discussed and seriously considered. This would mean charging a fee for all events on the recreation ground and in the village hall.
A charge of £20 levied for those wanting to use it. The proposal to be discussed with the Village Hall committee.
9.11 Any decisions to be published in Upton News and FB page.
10. Proposal heard for employing DE Static Research to compile and instate village survey:
10.1 Original suggestion that a villager could do this was put to one side as perceived a professional company with experience would give more reliable results.
10.2 De Static put forward a proposal @ £2,000 on a 20 year plan done by 1 individual. The deliverables are preparation of a questionnaire, analysis built from face to face meetings, focus groups. Voted unanimously as appropriate spend of funds providing requirements are defined and signed off; deliverables agreed and signed off; time scales agreed and signed off; all deliverables agreed man days. Two more quotes to be sourced. Aim for Feb start. Website info to be shared and a reference obtained.
11. Updates on any aspect of the recreation ground including play areas and maintenance:
11.1 placement of hinges on barn agreed by all
11.2 Costs for buying a containers were presented. Quotes to be refined with insulation, delivery and condition to be included.
11.3 the Stihl l hedge trimmer and strimmer engine housing is at end of life; need to look into refurb or buying new
11.4 The condition of the John Deere is not working. The reason is unknown. Need to obtain quotes to find out the problem and fix. Quotes to be obtained. .
11.5 The budget and quotes will be reviewed to agree next stage..
11.6 A list of all the tasks TFM are currently delivering and not doing was requested. Eg not cutting the edge of the pump track; not cutting paths, Graham De Wilde doing certain tasks in TFM contract; what TFM do for free.
11.7 Graham de Wilde to be considered as a possible second lengthman
11.8 Quotes for top up of cushionfall for the playground range from £2k to just under £6k, a third did not respond. Quotes analysed to ensure cheapest option is best. Vote taken to buy the cheaper cushon fall (same supplier as four years ago). Spend the money this financial year. But take delivery in next year. Vote 4 voted in favour. 1 against
11.9 Quote for repair of cracks in Pump Track approved. All in favour.
11.10 Quote for Station Road hedge tidying from Michael Wilson approved.
Nature Garden (NG) committee do not agree they need to pay towards hedge cutting. NG say hedge was there before nature garden. Need to share with the NG the terms of reference which state they have to maintain the land. Proposed PC pay it this year but going forward NG will have to contribute – expect around £325 for next time in 3 years.
All agreed if not done SSE would enforce reducing 5 meters below power lines, employ a sub-contractor who will not do a good job.
11.11 Quotes considered for fencing the land adjacent to the farmers field, where the PC have a legal obligation to maintain a cattle proof fence. Quotes were presented for post and rail, and panelled fencing which were considered expensive and not appropriate as they were not cattle proof, and will be easily vandalised.
Pallisade fencing pricing was presented which is more expensive. However, it is also cattle proof which is necessary to comply with the Charter/Trust. Quotes are being obtained to purchase materials and have private contractors install.
11.12 Vandal damage to the recreation ground discussed. Children from Didcot have been identified as responsible for digging holes and shelves in mounds with spades. Their school has been contacted. Their parents are also going to be approached. The police have been notified. The aim is to resolve this amicably.
11.13 An arborist has advised that some trees in the recreation ground need urgent attention. A bench under one dangerous tree must be moved until the tree has been trimmed. The bench will then be put back after. An ash tree has to come down next to the pump track as it has ash die back and again is a health safety issue
11.14 The weeds, blackthorn, nettles around pump track must be sprayed and the broken post and wire fencing at the end of the recreation ground needs to be removed urgently as it is a health and safety hazard the public may hurt themselves. A quote to do the spraying and remove fencing was received for £300 and accepted unanimously.
11.15 After a ROSPA inspection the net hoop needs to be removed as it is a danger to the public.
12. Confirmation of IT situation:
12.1 The government has directed all councils to have a government hosted web site and email address. All mail and web sites will use this new address, The PC has requested and been awarded uptonparishcouncil.co.uk.
12.2 The PC will be migrating to a new operating web site and software in the next two months and all will have new .gov.uk addresses
12.3 Currently the Clerk and Councillors use web-based Microsoft applications (office, spread sheets, words). When the new web site and email addresses are implemented, the PC will move to Microsoft 365 subscription with applications down loaded onto laptops. All voted in favour
The date of the next full council meeting will be Monday 2nd December 2024 at 19.00 in the meeting room, Upton Village Hall.