Wednesday 30th October 2024
Continue Reading Upton Parish Council Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
South Oxfordshire
Wednesday 30th October 2024
Continue Reading Upton Parish Council Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council
Upton Village Hall on Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 19.00
Continue Reading Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council
In attendance:
Chair Ben Shaw
Vice Chairman Neil Thorp (NT)
Councillors David Beckles (DB) Brendan Heneghan (BH) Chris Seelig (CS) Francoise Yates (FY)
Clerk Lisa Heneghan
None received
None declared
No parishioners present
Question raised by a villager on email re parking at the Village Hall notably on a Tuesday when the football team are hiring the ground. Overflow parking on the grass needs to be made clear. Currently there is no signage. Football manager must be responsible for team’s parking. Diagram to be produced for him to pass on to team and given a warning if not adhered to will not be allowed continued use. BH BS
Proposed by BS. Seconded by BH. All in agreement
Proposed by BS. Seconded by BH. All in agreement
To confirm and/or appoint Personnel and Finance Committees
Personnel: Ben Shaw, David Beckles, Francoise Yates. Proposed by BS. Seconded by BH. Unanimous vote
Finance: Ben Shaw, Brendan Heneghan, Chris Seelig. Proposed by BS. Seconded by DB. Unanimous vote
*Proposal to reorganise agenda to Item 12 as Henry Matthews (HM), TFM representative, present
Contractor explained issues regarding parking space and extent of grass cutting expected.
Noted that the pub pathway took 29 man hours to get back to standard for which contractor, as a gesture of goodwill, charged £25
Church footpath – misunderstanding how far the contractors were meant to go
Although all agreed in an email, noted that an official contract needs to be put in place. Acknowledged by TFM and will be rectified.
Cutting of pathways not competitive against other contractors but TFM will review.
Costs to be itemised in a revised quote
Other paths which have been queried by parishioners to be included in TFM quote.
Thames Water to be approached regarding the path they regularly visit.
BS & HM to walk paths and produce a comparison chart to be emailed to Council with a subsequent vote.
TFM to continue with grass cutting until revised quotes received.
NT proposed, FY seconded, BS abstained, others voted in favour
Recreation ground maintenance:
Replacement surface has arrived and start date for laying 15th August.
Wood chip will need to be topped up at some point.
Football nets: Need regular walk around maintenance to ensure clips are in place. Football manager to be asked if he could make checks and report any measures needed. CS offered to replace clips when necessary. LH to email
Agreed new barn padlocks of a code nature should be purchased and codes to be changed on a monthly basis. Proposed by BH, Seconded by BS All in favour
NT handing all information regarding the play area to DB.
Resignation accepted and NT thanked for his valuable contribution
CS agreed to take on the role of Vice Chairman. FY will be copied in on all Vice Chair matters. FY also agreed to take on the ‘Planning’ element of the Council. Proposed by BS, seconded by NT, all in favour
Acknowledgement that:
P22/V1914/CM (Collard Environmental Ltd) was approved as advised 26.06.24 and
P24/V1165/HH – alterations/extension at Sunnybank, High Street was approved as advised 02.07
P24/V0976/HH – development at The Orchard, High Street, approved as advised 04.07
Finance & Administration
Agreed the authorisers of next month’s payments would be NT & DC. CS to be added as an authoriser
All payments in June were approved
Bank reconciliation signed by BS & LH
Expenses provided by BS to be carried over to next month
ILCA and FILCA training courses approved for the Clerk. Proposed by BS, Seconded by FY. All in favour
Response to email on safety of lithium battery disposal considered not necessary. BS proposed to approve. CS seconded. 2 in favour. 1 abstention. 3 against.
Sustrans cycle path benches. Condition of these raised. Proposed that Sustrans be approached to contribute to replacing these. Agreed to approach chairman of East Hagbourne (EH) to ask if EH would take it on. County, District Councillor and MP to be copied on communication. Agreed that all the benches need replacing over a period of time. DB, BS, LH
District boundaries. Currently 2 DCs for the ward but the proposed change would mean only one. Second one likely to go to Great Western Park ward. BH said should argue to keep two. Clerk to respond to email objecting to proposal. Proposed by BH. Seconded by NT. All in favour
Purchase of new laptop and back up drive approved – up to £500 max. Proposed by BS seconded by BH, all in agreement
CS offered to help file laptop documents and set up new system approved. As a professional IT person, CS would be paid for this time if within the limits set for not requiring 3 quotes to be obtained. BH proposed. FY seconded. One abstention. Others In favour.
Proposed by BS, Seconded by FY all in favour
William Betts and Ian Ross have come forward to help. Plan to be developed. Structure anticipated for September meeting
As above
Car park – who is it for. Owned and repaired by UPC. Village Hall committee prepared to support extension. They have agreed to put rubber matting down and act asap. Will provide parking for an additional 20 cars.. Access needs to be addressed. BH will lead and design spec. There is budget allocation for this.
Quote received for Solar panels on village hall – applying for grant could save up to £2k in costs and possibly a saving in adding to the grid. Quote includes batteries and ev charging ports. Ongoing.
A .gov.uk domain name is not currently mandatory nor expected to become so. However agreed that holding such a name would be wise. upton.oxon upton.ox or upton.oxfordshire according to what is available. BS proposed to take £100 grant to purchase name pending any further decisions. DB seconded. All in agreement. CS to look into
To hear plan for Upton News
Alun Griffith has volunteered to take this over. NT thanked for his work to date.
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 19.00 in the small meeting room at Upton Village Hall
Meeting declared closed at 21.45
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council
Upton Village Hall on Wednesday 26th June 2024 at 19.00Continue Reading Upton Parish Council Minutes of the meeting held on 26th June 2024
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the main hall at Upton village hall on Wednesday 28th February 2024 at 8pm.
In attendance:- Chairman Ben Shaw (BS)
Vice Chairman Neil Thorp (NT)
Councillors David Beckles (DB), Brendon Heneghan (BH), Nicola Hall (NH)
Clerk Lisa Morgan (LM)
UPC Meeting 22nd November 2023
Following the issue raised on section 4 of these minutes at the January meeting, a slight amendment has been made. BS proposed approving the minutes. It was unanimously agreed.
BH joined the meeting at this point.
UPC Meeting 17th January 2024
Note: – Any changes to the minutes need to be agreed by a vote.
BH raised a question re section 4 of minutes in regard to District Councillor’s request for meeting to discuss printing of email in Upton News. BS has sought advice from OALC and has written to District Councillors explaining that Upton News is separate from the Parish Council and the Parish Council cannot control what is published by a Councillor when acting as an individual rather than acting on behalf of the Parish Council.
It was agreed that this matter is now closed and the minutes of the January meeting were a true record. Voted 4 in favour and 1 abstained.
DATE | Description /Payee | Amount |
28.01.24 | Clerk’s salary since last meeting
Not publicly disclosed |
09.01.24 | Kalehurst Garden Machinery Invoice 145091 | £506.26 |
09.01.24 | OALC Invoice 4561 VAT Course LM | £36.00 |
09.01.24 | OALC Invoice 3063 Audit Course LM | £36.00 |
18.01.24 | Miss E Cooper Invoice UPC001 Training LM | £96.70 |
18.01.24 | Cloudally Invoice 29413 | £42.00 |
29.01.24 | Microsoft subscription | £4.90 |
Total | £721.86
(plus salary above) |
Receipts | Description | Amount |
OALC | Refund of Invoice 3063 Audit Course LM | £36.00 |
Lloyds Bank | Interest Jan 24 | £13.63 |
Total | £49.63 |
Agree content for next edition of Upton News
It was agreed to put photos and details of cost of repairs of the play equipment and surround.
Details of questionnaire response deadline extended until end of March.
Note that Litter pick can not be organised by Parish Council.
Job vacancy for Clerk position and vacancy for Councillor following Graham de Wilde resignation.
BS confirmed that LM will be leaving in the middle of March. He advised that there have been no responses to advert for position so far. He proposed putting advert on with an agency.
All were in agreement.
Next full council meeting will be Wednesday 27th March 2024 at 8.00pm, in the main hall, Upton Village Hall.
Meeting ended 9.50pm
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the meeting room at Upton Village Hall on Wednesday 17th January 2024 at 8pm.
In attendance:- Chairman Ben Shaw (BS)
Vice Chairman Neil Thorp (NT)
Councillors Brendon Heneghan (BH), David Beckles (DB),
Nicola Hall (NH)
Clerk Lisa Morgan (LM)
County Councillor Sally Povolotsky (SP)
District Councillors Debra Dewhurst (DD), Hayleigh Gascoigne (HG)
St Mary’s WC and kitchen installation
The works are now complete, apart from a few minor fixes and snaggings which are due to be addressed by the builders, Aston Building and Conservation, this week. The works are on-budget.
The opening ceremony, originally planned for 20th January, is now planned for Saturday, 24th February. Entertainment will be provided together with drinks and light refreshments. All in Upton will be welcome to attend and the event will be publicised around the village and in Upton News.
We are now working on plans to make the space in the nave more flexible and suitable for a variety of users. Changes are likely to include the replacement of some of the pews with stackable or folding chairs and tables.
Friends of St. Mary’s
This group was set up in 2015 and raises money to support the costs of running and maintaining the church building, the churchyard and cemetery. As well as this primary money-raising aim, FOSM holds social events for Friends.
Now that fund-raising for the WC and kitchen is complete, we aim to encourage further membership of FOSM, especially of people who have moved to the village since 2015. An announcement will be made shortly.
UPC Meeting 22nd November 2023
A question was raised on section 4 of these minutes regarding the publishing of emails. It was agreed to review the minutes and approve them in the next meeting.
UPC Extraordinary Meeting 29thNovember 2023
Council unanimously approved the minutes were a true record.
Note: – Any changes to the minutes need to be agreed by a vote.
UPC returned no objections 07.12.23
Proposed extension to MRF & Waste Transfer Station. Vary condition 5 & allow an additional 12 HGV movements.
Deadline 14.01.24
UPC agreed no objections but with the caveat that if the route requires redirecting, due to weather, a new consultation is issued. Returned 18.01.24.
Council voted 4 in favour & 1 abstained
Installation of 1 flat roof dormer to existing loft conversion & roof lights to side elevation.
Deadline 12.01.24
UPC returned no objections on 18.01.24
Council voted 4 in favour and 1 abstained.
Extension to side & rear & sub-division of plot to create new one bedroom dwelling.
Deadline 20.01.24
UPC voted to object to this application noting over development, parking & highway safety. UPC had previously objected to this application when it was passed in 2020.
UPC voted 4 in favour of objecting. 1 abstained.
Objection returned 18.01.24
Construction of a garage, home office & pool house/gym.
Deadline 24.01.24
UPC agreed no objections to this application.
Council voted 4 in favour & 1 abstained.
UPC returned no objections on 18.01.24
Description /Payee | Amount |
28.11.23/ 28.12.23 | Clerk’s salary since last meeting
Not publicly disclosed |
01.12.23 | Organised Grime Invoice 0007 | £294.00 |
01.12.23 | Organised Grime Invoice 0008 | £228.00 |
01.12.23 | Organised Grime Invoice 0009 | £216.00 |
01.12.23 | Organised Grime Invoice 0010 | £270.00 |
14.12.23 | ARD Playgrounds Swing repair | £66.00 |
14.12.23 | OALC Invoice 4513 Finance course LM | £36.00 |
14.12.23 | SLCC Membership LM | £109.00 |
22.12.23 | RoSPA Play area inspection | £302.40 |
22.12.23 | UVHAT Hall hire Qtr 3 & Qtr 4 | £20.00 |
28.12.23 | Microsoft subscription | £4.90 |
Total | £1546.30
(plus salary above) |
Receipts | Description | Amount |
PCC Donation | Donation from PCC re Fete Proceeds | £1100.00 |
Lloyds Bank | Interest Nov 23 | £14.54 |
Lloyds Bank | Interest Dec 23 | £15.02 |
Total | £1129.56 |
Agree content for next edition of Upton News
It was agreed to put in details of the Litter Pick. NH will confirm details to NT
Questionnaire details also to be added this month.
Next full council meeting will be Wednesday 28th February 2024 at 8.00pm, in the main hall, Upton Village Hall.
Meeting ended at 9.30pm.
Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Upton Parish Council held in the meeting room at Upton village hall on Wednesday 29th November 2023 at 7pm.
In attendance:- Chairman Ben Shaw (BS)
Vice Chairman Neil Thorp (NT)
Councillors David Beckles (DB), Graham de Wilde (GW),
Brendan Heneghan (BH), Nicola Hall (NH)
Clerk Lisa Morgan (LM)
3.1 Car park improvement options (GW)
Extending the car park has been put on hold until the village survey has been completed.
Bollards will be installed to prevent cars driving onto the grass.
3.2 Any other updates on the recreation ground
Following a discussion with Scofell, BH concluded that the previous quote from Scofel would not
solve the problem of removing the roots and stumps from the side of the pump track.
GW has obtained a quote from Didcot Plant Hire for a digger and a dumper truck for a week but in
view of Health & Safety, it was agreed that GW was not trained or insured to carry out work.
BH will go back to Scofell for a quote to dig out and remove roots. BH will also obtain another quote
for the work to be carried before a decision is made.
All agreed that the work needs to be carried out over the winter and ideally to use a contractor.
The Girl’s football team will no longer be training at the recreation ground. LM will write to the club to
ask that they remove their equipment from the garage and return the garage key to us.
BH suggested drawing up an agreement, in future, for societies wanting to use the recreation ground.
It was agreed to set up a working group to discuss revenue opportunities for the use of the ground.
BH & NH will head up.
BH confirmed that the signs are up but nothing else to report. BH will offer volunteers to carry out
speed checks.
5.1 Updating of the Risk Management document
Unanimously agreed to amend document as per NT’s amendment. BH thanked NT for his hard work
on the updating of the document.
5.2 Compliance, GDPR & any other risk management updates
Agree content for next edition of Upton News
It was agreed that a note would be put in thanking Jessie West for delivering the new bus timetable.
A thank you to Uptonogood and an update on the budget for 2024.
All agreed.
Discuss documentation update for the website
A report was received from P McLaughlin detailing that the website will require an update in the next
3 to 6 months.
Work is also required on the Village Calendar.
LM will ask P McLaughlin to obtain a quote for the updates and maintenance work.
8.1 To agree the list of meeting dates for 2024. New date needed for APM
APM requested for 1st May 2024. Waiting confirmation of booking from UVHAT
8.2 The next full council meeting will be held on Wednesday 17th January 2024 at 8.00pm in the meeting
room in the village hall.
Meeting finished at 8.50pm.
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the main hall at Upton village hall on Wednesday 22nd November 2023 at 8pm.
In attendance:- Chairman Ben Shaw (BS)
Vice Chairman Neil Thorp (NT)
Councillors David Beckles DB), Graham de Wilde (GW),
Brendon Heneghan (BH), Nicola Hall (NH)
Clerk Lisa Morgan (LM)
District Councillors Debra Dewhurst (DD), Hayleigh Gascoigne (HG)
BS- Organised Grime.
Update on Calvert maintenance and flooding in Prospect Road/Stream Road
Report received in advance of the meeting and sent to Council.
County Councillor did not attend the meeting so LM will write to her and request update on flooding in
Prospect Road/Stream Road.
Report received in advance of meeting and sent to Council.
DD explained that she was upset that her email correspondence with BH regarding medical facilities and
planning was published in the Upton News without prior consultation with her. BH outlined that he felt
Upton parishioners would like to know the situation with the progress of the medical facilities due to be
built following all of the development on Great Western and Valley Park.
NH proposed District Councillors are notified before their emails are published. Council voted against
this. BH had published his email as an individual Councillor and not on behalf of UPC. It was agreed to have a further discussion with DD & HG outside of the meeting to find a resolution.
DD & HG explained that the money is ring fenced for the medical centre but it is waiting for the ICB to
request the money to start the plan for the medical centre.
UPC expressed concern that there is still no timeline for the health centre being built and opened.
BH asked for a meeting to be arranged with the Cabinet Member for Health and Finance to discuss the
future plan for health in this area and further infrastructure.
DD & HG agreed to set up a meeting with relevant head of Councils to hear plan of medical centre and at
what stage it is at.
District Councillors and Parish Councillors agreed to continue to work together to try and resolve this
major issue.
To receive representations from members of the public if present.
(Maximum 15 minutes, 3 minutes per person)
No members of the public present but an email request was received to print 175 copies of the new bus
timetable to be delivered in the village.
Council agreed for LM to print copies and pass for delivering.
The following report was received:-
The annual service of remembrance was on 12th November with a good attendance from the village. We were pleased that a wreath was laid on behalf of the Parish Council.
WC and kitchen installation
The builders have been making very good progress and we are currently expecting the works to be completed on schedule and within budget by early December.
We have been fortunate in that there have been no delays or extra expense brought about by matters which were uncertain at the start of the works – primarily what might be found in the ground when excavations began. No graves were encountered, though the foundations of what appears to have been a small extension to the western end of the church were discovered. A report from the archaeologist is awaited, which will be made available to those interested in village history.
We are planning an official opening event on Saturday, 20 January. Full details will follow in due course.
Now the new facilities are close to completion we are working on plans to make the nave of the church more adaptable for a variety of uses by villagers and organisations.
Malcolm Wright is producing a play-reading of ‘The Girl who Saved Christmas’ in the village hall on Saturday, 9th December. Proceeds will go towards the Friends of St Mary’s funds.
There will be regular services on 3rd and 10th December and a crib service for children and families on Christmas Eve at 4:00pm. On Christmas Day the service will be at 9:15am.
Outcome of Village Fete
BS confirmed that the fete committee has agreed to donate £1000.00 to the Parish Council to be put
towards the maintenance of the play equipment at the recreation ground.
Soakaway proposal for Village Hall
Council unanimously agreed to soakaway proposal from UVHAT. LM to write to UVHAT confirming that
spoil should be removed from site and ground made good after soakaway dug in. Request for ground to
be monitored for 3 years after work completed.
BS confirmed that quotes are being sought for the toilet repair.
Nothing else reported.
The following short report was received from Kieron Humphrey:-
There has been periodic maintenance – clearing grass, nettles, etc.
There have been a few late blooms, but largely everything has quietened down. After leaf drop we’ll prune
the fruit and hedges.
NH informed council that Kieron & Rob would like to build a natural Christmas tree structure, from cut
down willow, and place it in the nature garden. They will put solar lights on it.
All of council were in favour of this suggestion. NH will liase with Kieron to ensure structure is safe and
UPC Meeting 6th September 2023
Personnel Committee Meeting 25th October 2023
Finance Committee Meeting 25th October 2023
Note: – Any changes to the minutes need to be agreed by a vote.
Council unanimously approved the minutes were a true record.
10.1 To agree / ratify the council’s response to the following consultations
10.1.1 P23/V1921/FUL Horse & Harrow, West Hagbourne
Change of use of public house to 3 & 4 bed dwellings etc.
Deadline 04.10.23
UPC did not return an opinion as had previously returned no objections
10.2 To note planning permissions/withdrawals received since last meeting
10.2.1 P23/V1636/S73 Land between Upton footpath & Upton byway off Hollow Way
Variation to P22/V2219/FUL planning permission received 09.09.23
10.2.2 P23/V1306/HH Upton Manor, High St, Upton
Internal & external remodelling.
Planning permission received 03.10.23
10.2.3 P23/V1540/S73 Skippets Stables, Mobile Home, Dene Hollow, Chilton
Planning permission received 20.09.23
10.2.4 P23/V1520/HH Wychwood, Newmans Close, Upton
Front & rear dormer windows & extension
Planning permission received 25.10.23
11.1 To receive an update UPC Finances
11.1.1 Treasurers Account to 31.10.23 £20,707.02
Business Bank Instant Account to 31.10.23 £13,165.68
Total funds available as at 31.10.23 £33,872.70
11.1.2 Council to note National Salary Award has been concluded & will apply to Clerk’s & Dep Clark’s
Salary from November 2023, back dated to April 2023.
11.2 To agree the authoriser for this month’s payments.
BS confirmed that Lloyds has set LM up incorrectly on the account allowing her to set up a
payment and also be one of the authorisers of the payment. The November Scofell Invoice and the
expenses payment to G De Wilde have gone through this way. All Council agreed to pay these two
payments and have noted that they were authorised by the Clerk through no fault of her own.
The set up of LM will be amended with Lloyds Bank.
11.3 To approve payments to be made noted below under the General Power of Competence and within
budgeted amounts
DATE | Description /Payee | Amount |
28.09.23/ 28.10.23 | Clerk & Deputy Clerk’s salary Oct*/Nov
Not publicly disclosed |
28.09.23/ 28.10.23 | HMRC PAYE Oct 116.00* Nov TBC | £116.00 |
28.10.23 / 28.11.23 | Microsoft subscription @£4.90pm | £9.80 |
06.10.23 | Scofell grounds maintenance Sept @ £618pm* | £618.00 |
12.10.23 | Amazon (Paper for Clerk) | £22.73 |
18.10.23 | RoSPA play area annual inspection | £302.40 |
18.10.23 | Amazon (Scanner for Clerk) | £132.00 |
15.11.23 | Scofell grounds maintenance Oct @618pm | £618.00 |
15.11.23 | Graham De Wilde expenses | £61.84 |
Total | £1880.77 |
* All paid to be ratified
Receipts | Description | Amount |
Lloyds Bank | Interest Sept 2023 | £12.28 |
Lloyds Bank | Interest Oct 2023 | £12.11 |
Total | £24.39 |
11.4 To sign off bank reconciliation to end October.
Provided in advance of the meeting & BS signed at meeting
11.5 Council to agree/ratify the following recommendations made by the Finance Committee at the
meeting held on 25th October:-
11.5.1 To ratify ToR for Finance Committee
It was agreed to amend the VAT return to annually rather than quarterly.
Unanimously agreed.
11.5.2 Council priorities to the end of the financial year:-
i. New surround for play area
Unanimously agreed. Quotes being obtained for a plastic surround.
ii. Install bollards to recreation ground car park.
5 to 1 in favour installing bollards with a chain to stop cars parking on grass. A key to
access the ground will be given to hirers of the hall if needed and for maintenance of
recreation ground.
iii. One off maintenance work for tidying recreation ground and footpaths.
BS proposed using Scofell to carry out work to remove tree stumps and rubble from side of
Recreation ground. 5 in favour I abstained. Council agreed to BH speaking with Scofell before
going ahead with quote.
BH will speak to Scofell to clarify what they intend to clear and how they will remove stumps.
11.5.3 Council priorities for the next financial year:-
i. Car park extension
ii. Recreation ground fence
These two priorities were from a previous plan and BS proposed putting these on hold until new village
survey has been completed.
Unanimously agreed.
11.5.4 Donations
i. Committee proposed donating £100 to Royal British Legion (BS)
Unanimously agreed.
ii. Request for donation from Home-Start has also been received since meeting
It was felt that UPC could not fund a donation this year. LM will write to Home-Start.
iii. Donation received from Uptonogood
UPC grateful for donation from Uptonogood
11.5.5 Committee ratified UPC Overtime Policy
Unanimously agreed.
11.5.6 Committee agreed the following:-
i. That the Council’s assets & liabilities are sound.
Unanimously agreed.
ii. That the Council’s Risk Management Policy is to be amended as per NT’s previous
recommendations and the format of the document is changed.
Unanimously agreed.
iii. The Council’s insurance is adequate.
Unanimously agreed.
11.6 Following the issue of the draft budget to whole Council, Council to agree to proposed budget &
the proposed precept for 23/34 of £26112.00. This is an increase of 2% from £25k
Council agreed to minor amendments to the wording of the budget and to adding £500 for a
Christmas fund. Including the proposed increase of 2%, there will be a shortfall in the budget of
£3K. Rather than increase the precept further, it was agreed to use funds in the bank account to
meet this shortfall.
BS proposed 2% increase in precept. NT seconded. 4 councillors in favour, 2 against.
Parish Council will balance the shortfall from the Budget with existing funds in bank account.
This was unanimously agreed.
11.7 To hear / agree on any other financial or administration updates
11.7.1 To agree for LM to apply for a Debit Card
Unanimously agreed for LM to apply for a Debit Card.
11.8 Council to agree/ratify the following recommendations made by the personnel Committee at
the meeting held on 25th October:-
11.8.1 To ratify confirmation of LM as new Clerk
Unanimously agreed.
11.8.2 To ratify ToR for Personnel Committee
BS proposed amending ToR as per NT’s recommendation. Unanimously agreed.
LM will amend.
11.9 To hear/agree questions for the Village Questionnaire
BH & NH agreed to draft questions for the Village Questionnaire and will put forward to the
Council for agreement.
12.1 Annual RoSPA inspection October 2023
Inspection completed and swings have been repaired as per inspection. Two minor repairs
have been advised. LM contacting ARD for quote
12.2 Adventure play area
12.2.1 Replacement of surround
Awaiting quote.
12.3 Toddler play area
12.4 Pump track
12.4.1 Stinging nettles at back of pump track
Stinging nettles have now been cut back and further work will be carried out over the winter to
remove roots.
13.1 Maintenance activity (all Council members)
13.1.1 Update on the work carried out by Scofell
Work completed by Scofell and all looks neat and tidy.
13.1.2 Update of Blewbury Girls football team & portaloo
Since the meeting, confirmation has been received that the portaloo will be removed
and the girl’s football team will no longer use the recreation ground.
UPC agreed that if a solution can be found for a toilet and parking facility in the
future, further discussions will be arranged with the football team.
Meeting ended at 11.40pm
A further meeting will be held to complete the agenda.
Minutes of the Parish Council’s Finance Committee meeting held in the meeting room at the
Village hall on Wednesday 25th October 2023 at 7.30pm.
In attendance:-
Councillors Ben Shaw (BS)
Neil Thorp (NT)
David Beckles (DB)
Clerk Liz Cooper (EC)
Dep Clerk Lisa Morgan (LM)
Apologies received from Brendon Heneghan (BH)
DB attended the meeting in place of BH.
BS was elected Chairman of this meeting.
BS declared an interest with Organised Grime.
Any changes to be agreed by resolution of the Council.
The committee unanimously agreed to amend item 5.14 of the ToR to ensure that VAT is
reclaimed, at least, annually rather than quarterly, given the small amount of VAT to be
reclaimed. The date of the ToR will also be updated.
5.1 Receipts to date & to end of financial year
The Committee agreed it had no other expected income other than a small amount of
bank interest & the VAT reclaim for the year.
5.1.1 Football pitch rent from Blewbury Girls Football
It was discussed at a meeting with Blewbury Girls Football club that the club would
be prepared to make a donation towards the upkeep of the recreation ground.
The Committee agreed to advise the club of the cost of the grass cutting contract
and await Blewbury Girl’s donation offer. LM will write to the club.
5.2 Payments to date & to end of financial year
EC explained that Scofell & Organised Grime invoices were late being received so are not
yet showing on payments. This will all balance out by year end.
John Deere Mower Service invoice will also be received shortly.
5.3 Priorities / changes to the end of the financial year.
Salaries will change with the Clerk leaving on 31st October 2023.
A consultancy fee to be agreed with the outgoing Clerk to train the new Clerk (Dep Clerk)
EC will propose hourly rate to be agreed by council.
6.1 Potential income
The Committee acknowledged the precept as the only income the Council could rely on.
Other income is a small amount of bank interest & potential donations from
Uptonogood & Blewbury Girls Football team.
6.2 Priority tasks / projects
Woodchippings need to be topped up next April on play area.
Propose to install bollards and a chain link fence at entrance of recreation ground to stop
cars driving on the grass.
6.2 Employee(s)
Training for new Clerk
6.3 Regular contractors
Propose keeping existing contractors to maintain the grounds and play area
RoSPA & Organised Grime.
7.1 SOs – Microsoft
Agreed to continue
7.2 Council to consider the reintroduction of employees salary by SO, together with monthly
payment to HMRC.
It was agreed not to set up SO for salary. LM will email BS with payslip and BS will set up
payment and send to NT for authorising.
7.2 DDs – The Council does not have any direct debits
Confirmed no Direct debits.
8.1 Outgoing grants:
The Council has no regular outgoing grants, but has contributed to the Upton Summer
Fete, Citizens Advice & Royal British Legion in the past.
Propose contributing up to £500 to Upton Fete & continue possible grants to Citizens
Advice and Royal British Legion.
8.2 Contractors
8.2.1 Scofell – grounds maintenance contract
Propose getting updated quote for grounds maintenance for the coming
year together with quotes for one off jobs.
8.2.2 RoSPA – annual & quarterly play area inspections
Propose continuing with contract.
8.2.3 Organised Collection & recycling of waste from recreation ground.
Grime – Propose seeking new quotes in addition to quotes from Organised
All of the above to be put to full council to agree in November UPC meeting
Propose moving Nature Garden money into reserve account.
Agreed to increase levels of reserves for next financial year.
To establish reserves available for capital projects and to agree the budget for capital projects.
Propose using any remaining budget from this year to install bollards to the recreation ground carpark. Approx £10k estimated.
11.1 New projects
No new projects
11.2 Remedial works
New surround required for play area and refill of wood chippings. Approx £4k for surround &
£3k for wood chippings
To agree the precept for the next financial year for recommendation to the full Parish Council.
The Committee agreed to recommend increasing the precept to £26112.00. This will be put to full council in the November meeting.
Last updated July 2023s
Any changes to be agreed by resolution of the Council.
No changes required.
NT changing the format of the Risk Management Policy but no changes to the actual policy other than NT’s previous recommendations.
Agreed Council Insurance cover is adequate.
Next meeting confirmed Thursday 24th October 2024 7.30pm.
Meeting closed at 10.15pm
Minutes of the Parish Council’s Personnel Committee held in the meeting room of the village hall on Wednesday 25th October 2023 at 7pm.
In attendance:
Councillors Ben Shaw (BS)
Neil Thorp (NT)
David Beckles (DB)
Clerk Liz Cooper (EC)
Deputy Clerk Lisa Morgan (LM)
Apologies received from Brendon Heneghan (BH)
DB attended the meeting in place of BH.
A draft document was prepared by EC. BS will check draft and circulate the ToR to all council to be
ratified at next UPC meeting in November.
The Chair asked EC to leave the meeting while terms of LM’s contract were discussed.
4.1 Confirmation of the completion of the Deputy Clerk’s probation period
The completion of the Deputy Clerk’s probation period was confirmed on 4th October 2023
4.2 Confirmation of the Deputy Clerk’s appointment as Clerk with effect from 1st November 2023
LM has accepted the post of Clerk with effect from 1st November 2023. This will be ratified at
November Parish Council meeting.
4.3 Confirmation of the new Clerk’s starting pay rate of SCP13 as of 1st November
It was agreed that LM’s starting pay rate will move up by two increments with effect from 1st
November to SCP15. One increment for taking on more responsibility and one for completing ILCA.
4.4 Confirmation of the new Clerk’s training schedule & how attainment of qualifications will affect pay
LM will begin working to complete FILCA and then CILCA on attainment of these qualifications LM’s
pay rate will move up a scale with each.
4.5 Chair to confirm when confirmation letter will be sent to new Clerk
Confirmation letter has been sent to LM and the appointment will be ratified at November UPC
4.6 Chair to confirm when contract terms will be updated accordingly
BS confirmed that the contract terms will be updated as at 1st November. This will be ratified at
November UPC meeting.
4.7 To confirm the approximate date of the new Clerk’s first appraisal (anniversary of completion of
LM will have 6 monthly appraisals. Next appraisal will be due 1st May 2024
EC returned to the meeting and the Chair asked LM to leave the meeting while discussion took place
regarding EC staffing matters
Staffing matters agreed unanimously.
LM returned to meeting.
The next Personnel Committee meeting will be for the appraisal of the new Clerk or as necessary should
other matters arise.
Meeting closed at 7.30pm