16th October 2024
To: All Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held in the main hall at Upton village hall on Wednesday 23rd October 2024 at 19.00.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.
Please inform the Clerk at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting as numbers may be restricted.
Lisa Heneghan
Clerk to Upton Parish Council (parish.clerk@uptonvillage.co.uk)
To receive apologies for absence
To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting
Open Forum
3.1 To receive representations from members of the public if present.
(Maximum 15 minutes, 3 minutes per person)
To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 25th September 2024
Note: – Any changes to the minutes need to be agreed by a vote.
5.1 VWHDC enforcement on VE24/201 (Wattle Farm) update
5.2 consideration of application P24/V2197/DIS – discharge of conditions on application P24/V2197/DIS
To review village matters:
6.1 To hear that local MP Olly Glover has agreed to a site meeting to look at flooding issues
6.2 To understand TFM carried out an inspection of the salt bins confirming the contents needs replacing and their quote
6.3 To consider cost savings on matters such as 6.2
6.4 update on the Sustrans cycle route benches (David)
To arrange Personnel Committee meeting to approve the signing off of the Clerk in the role
To address correspondence from Councillors
Finance & Administration
Treasurers Account to 27/09/24 £25,235.01
Business Bank Instant Account to 10/09/24 £12,905.11
Total funds available as at 30/08/24 £38,140.12
To agree the authorisers for next month’s payments. (Ben & David)
To approve payments to be made noted below within budgeted amounts.
Description /Payee |
Details |
Amount |
Amount (incl. VAT) |
05.09.24 |
Computers online |
Laptop purchase |
345.05 |
414.06 |
05.09.24 |
N Drum |
Playground surround |
1545.36 |
1545.36 |
05.09.24 |
Upton Parochial |
Fete donation |
500.00 |
500.00 |
17.09.24 |
Councillor training |
360.00 |
360.00 |
17.09.24 |
Clerk |
Salary |
834.60 |
834.60 |
26.09.24 |
Bibby Commercial |
Ground maintenance |
336.75 |
404.10 |
27.09.24 |
Microsoft |
Online services |
4.90 |
4.90 |
Total |
4063.02 |
Receipts |
Description |
Amount |
03.09.24 ASFA |
Football pitch hire |
100.00 |
05.09.24 VOWH |
Precept |
13,056.00 |
09.09.24 UPC |
Interest |
11.30 |
Total |
13,167.30 |
To sign off bank reconciliation to end of September 2024.
To agree purchase of replacement of broken marquee poles
To hear amount and requested split of donation from Uptonogood
To review budget v.expenditure for first two quarters of year
To hear proposal for employing DE Staic Research to compile and instate village survey.
To hear any updates on any aspect of the recreation ground including play areas and maintenance.
To reconsider replacement of hinges on barn – not resolved from previous meeting – and hear quotes for purchase of a container
To consider quotes for top up of cushionfall for the playground – quote £2000
To consider and agree quote for repair of Pump Track as circulated by BH as opposed to full resurface
To consider quote for replacement poles for the marquee and agree purchase. Chris to update on number of poles required
To consider / approve quotes for Station Road hedge tidying
To consider quotes for fencing in recreation ground
To discuss and agree outcome of children doing damage to the ground
To discuss and agree charges for parking for Village Hall events
To hear confirmation of IT situation: .gov email and website and any other updates
To confirm the date and venue of the next full council meeting
Next full council meeting will be Wednesday 27th November 2024 at 19.00 in the meeting room, Upton Village Hall.