1st Upton and Blewbury Rainbows.
The new Rainbow unit started on the 11th September with 10 girls and on the 16th Oct they all made their promise as new Rainbows. Rainbows are aged between 5-7 years old and we meet every Friday between 5-6pm term time.
The girls work towards Roundabout badges and enjoy lots of art, crafts and games. So far this term we have enjoyed a food evening where we made fruit kebabs and decorated cakes and we also had a Halloween party. The rest of term we will be getting ready for Christmas. we have space in the unit so if anyone is interested please contact Emma on cortina3@hotmail.co.uk
2nd Upton and Blewbury Brownies.
We meet every Tuesday from 6-7:30pm during term time.
The Brownies have been busy this term doing Autumn crafts and they also enjoyed a Halloween party. We welcomed 4 new Brownies this term and they made their promise on 13th October.
The rest of the term we will be preparing our annual Christmas entertainment and Christingle event.
1ST Upton and Blewbury Guides
Upton and Blewbury Guide unit meets on Fridays from 7.30 to 9.00 and is the section of Girlguiding UK for girls ages 10 – 14. Being a Guide means making friends, trying new experiences and being encouraged to discover and learn in new ways. This term the girls are spending some of their meetings working on patrol badges called Go For Its, with the girls planning and running their own activities. Other meetings this term have included sign language; making bags from t-shirts as part of Waste Less Live More week; jazz dancing and enjoying the Harwell firework display. Still to come this term are Remembrance day events, a wide game out on the field in the dark, ice skating in Oxford and Christmas crafts. A highlight was the trip to London in October to the Big Gig – a massive pop concert in Wembley Arena organised by Girlguiding just for Guides.
If anyone would like more information about Guides, or has a skill that they would be willing to share with the group, please get in touch. Lynn.nickerson.holywell@gmail.com