YOUR HELP, ASSISTANCE, PARTICIPATION is needed with one of the
following activities –
1 Cakes and Biscuits – could you bake a delicious item for sale at the
Village Hall Café to sell during the Uptonogood cycle event? Donations
can be brought to the hall in the morning of the event (15th June.) Or
brought to Chris Traynor, Pentrose, Fieldside the day before.
2. Could you spare some time to help serve in the Hall Café selling
teas and cakes for the cyclists? Please contact Lucy
( if you could spare an hour of your
time on this day.
3 .Upton Village Hall Amenities Trust have a vacancy for a new
member to join this team, who are responsible for the maintenance
and bookings for the village hall. The workload and time involved are
not excessive. If interested please contact
Rob Traynor at