The hall finances continue to remain in a healthy state with funding for the
toilet refurbishments as well as other smaller projects (tidying up the patio
area, de weeding and refilling gaps with sand cement) available.
Thanks to the volunteers Chris Traynor, Brian and Giulia Rippon, Ali
Lewington, Kim Gould, Debbie Paul, Victoria Griffiths, Gillian Collins and
Gerogie Mason for their support and fundraising efforts during Uptonogood.
The hall remains in good decorative condition with some minor painting
required. The paint is available and this will be carried out by one of the
committee members.
There has been a return to party bookings as well as the long term regulars
and booking for the kitchen by Style Acre for training their staff. We are
pleased that the return of the Drop in Coffee Morning is starting again –
first session 27th July 10:00 – 11:00
Development Projects
Work on replacing the poor guttering has begun (this will also include
installing the water butt for the Nature Garden).
The working group, looking into the refurbishment of the ladies and
disabled loos are now looking into local builders and a few names have
been put forward. There is no urgency for this work (the toilets are
functional) and any work would be best carried out during the quieter
period, after the summer.
Cleaner still employed.
Rob Traynor
Chair, UVHAT