The AGM of the Upton Village Hall Amenities Trust (UVHAT) took place in the Village Hall Meeting Room at 7.30pm on Tuesday the 20th November. There were apologies from three of the trustees who were unable to attend. The minutes of the 2017 AGM were approved. The Chairman Brian Rippon, reported that the hall was working well, fulfilling its purpose and providing a valuable and effective service to the village. The kitchen refurbishment is continuing to operate very well, and with the addition of various types of tables, a stage, a PA system, and a projector and screen we have managed to continue offering an excellent service to the village and its various users. John Haworth, the treasurer, presented the financial statement. The hall is in good financial strength and has good solid reserves. Rental was 3% up (broadly the same as the previous year) regular hirers down 5%, but there was a substantial increase in party and other hires. The 50’s Club generated £915 for hall funds and a huge thank you to Lesley Shaw for organising it, modernising it, and providing a valuable and continuing source of income. This year’s fete also helped further with more funds raised. The chairman concluded, that the hall was in good shape, and he felt that it was time to step down as chairman as he no longer had the time to spend which he felt was going to be necessary in the forthcoming year. He has however agreed to remain as a trustee and continue to handle hall bookings. John Haworth then thanked Brian Rippon for his excellent contribution on behalf of the trustees. Graham de Wilde agreed to take over as Chairman, Rob Traynor as vice chairman. John Haworth agreed to remain as Treasurer and Kieron Humphrey agreed to continue as Secretary, all the other trustees also agreed to serve again. There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.00pm. The next AGM will be on the 14th May 2019 at 7.30pm.
Graham de Wilde