Annual Report and Financial Statement for the year ending 31 March 2012, as audited by Simon Powell.
UVHAT Financial Statement
Upton Village Hall Amenities Trust
Registered Charity Number 1000813
Financial Statement 2010/11
Download the UVHAT Accounts (2010-11)
Administrative Information
The address of the Trust is Rigiblick, Orchard Close, Upton, Didcot OX11 9JQ
The trustees during the year 2010/11 were
Mrs J M West (Chairman)
Mrs C E Lightfoot (Secretary)
Mr B R Simpson (Treasurer)
Mrs C Cattley-Hall
Mrs Y Collins
Mrs C Davies
Mrs M M Maytham
Mrs L Shaw
Mr C M Smith
Mrs P J Smith
Structure, governance and management
The objects of the Trust are the management and maintenance of Upton Village Hall and associated facilities.
Part of the extension which was completed in 2009/10 stands on land belonging to the Parish Council, whilst part of the playground and car park is on land belonging to the Trust. It has been agreed that the Trust should own the land on which the hall stands, plus the patio and a border of 0.5metres. All other land under the playground and car park currently owned by the Trust should revert to the Council.
The deeds transferring the land to and from the Trust and the Council have been signed and are at present with the Land Registry. After they have been returned the land belonging to the Trust will be vested in the Official Custodian for Charities.
As a necessary part of this exercise a new trust deed, which concerns the management of the Trust, has been approved by the trustees and, informally, by the Charity Commission. This deed will be submitted to the Commission for formal approval when the Land Registry has registered the transfers.
Other activities
During the year the ladies lavatory and car park were extended and equipment was purchased to facilitate the formation of a short mat bowls club.
Financial Review
At the end of the year the Trust had £3,264 in hand but had outstanding liabilities of at least £500. In the judgment of the trustees the balance provided sufficient capital to meet day to day running expenses. It will be necessary to raise more money before further improvements are made to the premises.
Approved by the Trust and signed on its behalf by the Chairman:
Jessie M West
Theo Gordon’s bequests
Theo, a longstanding Upton resident, was a loved and respected member of the community. She was always ready to support local events and even when she was too ill to attend displayed a keen interest in what was happening.
Over the years she was a generous supporter of the Village Hall and St Mary’s Church, a place close to her heart.
Under the terms of her will £5,000 has been given to the Village Hall and £5,000 to St. Mary’s.
The PCC and the Village Hall trustees are very grateful for these donations and plan to use them to help improve facilities at both buildings.
The Annual General Meeting of the Upton Village Hall Amenities Trust
The Annual General Meeting of the Upton Village Hall Amenities Trust will be held on Monday 16th May at 7.00 p.m. in the Village Hall. Please come along to discuss future plans for the use of the hall and work that still has to done on the hall. The Agenda for the meeting is given below.
1. Minutes of meeting held on 17TH May 2010
2. Matters Arising
3. Chairman’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Drop In Report
6. Election of UVHAT Members
7. Any other business
Clare Lightfoot
Hon Secretary
5th May 2011
The Annual General Meeting of the Upton Village Hall Amenities Trust
The Annual General Meeting of the Upton Village Hall Amenities Trust will be held on Monday 16th May at 7.00 p.m. in the Village Hall. Please come along to discuss future plans for the use of the hall and work that still has to done on the hall. The Agenda for the meeting is given below.
1. Minutes of meeting held on 17TH May 2010
2. Matters Arising
3. Chairman’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Drop In Report
6. Election of UVHAT Members
7. Any other business
Clare Lightfoot
Hon Secretary
5th May 2011
Thank you from the Village Hall Trust
To make full use of the new extension, the village hall trust has recently purchased twenty one new stacking tables and two serving tables. We very much appreciate that the total cost of £797 was met by a "Grassroots Grant" from the
Oxfordshire Community Foundation.
Brian Simpson
Alice in Wonderland
Oxfordshire Theatre Company bring Alice in Wonderland
to Upton Village hall on
Wed. December 1st at 7pm
Long ago, in the city of dreaming spires,
a boat set out along the Thames,
on a trip to Wonderland…
The company is delighted to present this well known, Oxford based, tale inspired by the Lewis Carroll novel, and written by Neil Duffield, winner of the Arts Council England.
This brand new version of the classic tale, combines puppetry, song and dance.
Tickets £8 adults, £6 children, from
Jessie 851206.
Help and Cutlery Required at the Village Hall
Help Required
Jessie West has acted as the Village Hall’s unpaid caretaker/cleaner for the past 4 years.
This was Jessie’s generous gesture, saving a considerable amount of money towards the hall extension. Jessie is very happy to continue with the caretaking role but it would be really good if we could have a rota of volunteers to help her. We envisage that a volunteer would help out with the cleaning duties for 1-2 hours
during their week on duty so the task will not be too onerous. If you would be prepared to join the rota or would like more information on what is required please contact Clare Lightfoot (850486) or Jessie West (851206). Many thanks.
Cutlery Required
The village hall kitchen could really do with some more cutlery for entertaining purposes, in particular knives and spoons. If anyone is having a clear out at home or doing a house clearance perhaps they could bear us in mind?
All donations most welcome.
Celia Davies 850684
Thanks from UVHAT
At last the screed in the new meeting room and store has dried out sufficiently to allow the floor covering to be laid. Thanks are due to Keith Eighteen and Sherfield Flooring Ltd for generously providing and laying the carpet in the meeting room free of charge.
Because of the increased capacity of the hall the Trust needs to incur expenditure on a number of further items. These include extension of the car park; extension of the ladies lavatory to provide a second cubicle; and the purchase of additional tables and storage racking.
Funds raised this year will go a long way to meeting these additional costs, these include the proceeds of two events in the last few weeks.
Our thanks to Hilary Powell and her team of helpers who organised a very successful barn dance in the garden of Prospect House on the 10th of July. This yielded an amazing £1343.
On August 15th 72 people met at the hall for a lunch of Pimms (and soft drinks), Pate and Pudding. Thanks are due to Celia Davies, her team of helpers and all those who helped provide such a wide and inviting spread. This yielded £633. This event was so enjoyable that Celia was pressed afterwards to arrange a similar event next year! By then it will have become a village tradition!
Brian Simpson
Pimms, Pates and Puddings
Pimms, Pates and Puddings on Sunday 15th August at 12.30 at the Village Hall on the new patio
Advance tickets – £10.00 Adult, £5.00 5-15s and Under 5s free
On the Day – Adult £12.00, Child £6.00
On sale from 1st July from
Celia Davies 850684, Maggie Mayham 850126
Clare Lightfoot 850486, Jessie West 851206
Book your table now, ticket includes the first glass of Pimms, soft drinks also available.
All proceeds to UVHAT