Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council
Upton Village Hall on Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 19.00
In attendance: Chair Ben Shaw (BS)
Councillors David Beckles (DB) Brendan Heneghan (BH) Chris Seelig (CS) Francoise Yates (FY)
Clerk Lisa Heneghan
To receive apologies for absence None received
To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting No declarations
Open Forum
3.1 To receive representations from members of the public if present.
No members of the public present and no comments via email or other media
To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 24th July 2024
Approval proposed by BS, seconded by BH, all voted for
Report from District Councillor (Hayleigh Gascoigne HG)
HG highlighted the Joint Local Plan between Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire Councils. The plan is in the final stages. Regulation 19 is going to consultation 1st Oct for 6 weeks. It is hoped it will be to adopted early in the New Year. HG encouraged all individuals and the Parish Council to comment.
BS raised the general management/maintenance of village is appalling. Drain clearing most significant owing to current flooding but also rubbish collections. HG will raise these issues on the council on which she sits. BS queried if anyone is checking work being done – i.e. Biffa and HG going to query.
Road structure/repairs/management also highlighted notably Hollow Way and Hagbourne Hill. Time wasted on clearing up after each storm rather than spending the money on correcting the problems.
BH asked what can be done to help HG get answers and results. HG said this is Sally Povotlosky’s (county councillor) area. HG asked the Council to write to Sally, Olly Glover (local MP) and copy her with concerns and requests. Clerk emailing.
BH raised the concerns over development taking place at Wattle Farm. No planning permission has been applied for or granted although concrete platforms and permanent structures have been built. There is already a case number which was given to HG who will look into it further. BS to send his previous communications to all councillors. HG to follow up Neil Thorp’s letter AND BS’s email which was forwarded to HG at the meeting. HG to report back at next meeting. HG left the meeting.
BH raised concern that Liberal Democrat Councillor, Debra Dewhurst, has resigned from the council as a Liberal and becoming an Indpendent, and now HG has become Private Secretary to the local MP. Olly Glover, there is lack of representation for the Parish at VOWH and interface to OCC
The Council acknowledged that:
i. P24/V0675/HH, for development work at Pentreen Stream Road was approved
ii VWHDC enforcement on VE24/201 – building work behind The George under investigation
To review village matters:
7.1 concerns over maintenance of footpaths in the village and overhanging branches were discussed. Some stretches of overhanging branches on Station Road have been addressed by land owners. For other areas on Station Road it was proposed that three quotes should be obtained for the appropriate work to be carried out. One villager has received a private quote and the party concerned advised removing the trees completely although the resident would be happy to see the trees reduced in height. It was agreed an arborists report should be obtained from companies on the District Council’s recommended list. This item will be re-assessed at next month’s meeting. Clerk to get specialist names, request guidance on to what to do about trees and obtain quotes.
BS has walked all footpaths with TFM, the current grass cutting contractor. All now being cut. DC & CC will not do this as their commitment is one cut a year!
7.2 flooding issue:
7.2.1 Upper Stream Road culvert. The culvert has collapsed and is a County Council issue which is now being raised by HG. TFM quoted £14k to repair. Only way to deal with is to approach District & County Councils. It was noted that Stream Road is a private / unclaimed road and it was queried if residents should have appropriate insurance on which to claim. Irrespective, it is the County Council’s responsibility to do all they can and show residents that they can’t do more. It is also a footpath and BS to contact the person in charge of footpaths at County level to discuss, with an aim to get assistance from the DC & CC. All voted in favour of the idea to, post investigations, invite residents to a meeting to lay out the facts and possible ways forward.
7.2.2 consider quotes from TFM to clear vegetation and soil on Station and Stream Roads: TFM also quoted to clear sides of road at ground level and overhanging bushes on Station Road, notably the area that belongs to the Nature Garden. It was agreed a professional company should be employed to do this job.
It was noted that Church Street is also now flooding.
7.3 Note the Fix My Street issue – case number ENQ23965001 in regard to flooding: The response from Oxfordshire County Council stated: “…….we have decided to close down reports relating to drainage matters during the winter months as after investigating the data it was apparent that many of the fixmystreet reports/issues were caused by the sheer volume of rainwater that fell meaning that the drainage system was unable to cope due to ground water saturation.” HG will take this matter up.
7.4 the salt bins; locations and content, plan for use when needed. BS suggested TFM asked to quote to break up salt and make usable. Bins are there for public use. It is not the Parish Council’s responsibility to do salt spreading, only to provide the salt. Village does have a salt spreader. OLAC and the insurance company will be asked for their advice on its use. If the Council refill the bins they will let the Village Hall Committee know that its been done.
7.5 update on the Sustrans cycle route benches: BS had contacted East Hagbourne PC who advised that Sustrans should help fund replacements or repairs. DB to contact Sustrans and ask next steps. Suggest recycled plastic benches – more expensive initially. More has been spent on repairs than to buy new plastic.
7.6 agree way forward on management of trees on Nature Garden boundary; see 7.2.2
7.7 review success of strategy on car parking at the village hall: football team no longer using as from 13th Sept so issue taken away.
To approve the Strategic and Annual plans for 2024-25
Approval proposed by BH, seconded by FY, and all in agreement
To review the speed gun and agree or otherwise on proposed sale
BS proposed not to sell but to keep as a village asset. In future people may be more interested to record traffic speeds as traffic worsens. Plenty of demand at the time it was bought. Coincided with traffic lights being put in and people then didn’t come forward to action. No loss to village in keeping it. Free to train someone to use it. BH wrote to police officer responsible three times – no response. Need three people at a time. One to use gun, one to write, one to read number plate. Input onto database – not user friendly. All places signed off where a team can stand. Put on Upton News three times, no-one came forward. Will be stored safely. DB seconded, one abstention, others in favour.
Finance & Administration
Treasurers Account to 30/08/24 £15,727.97
Business Bank Instant Account to 30/08/24 £13,307.87
Total funds available as at 30/08/24 £29,035.84
10.1 Agreed authorisers for next month’s payments. BS & DB
10.2 Approved payments made in the period within budgeted amounts.
10.3 Bank reconciliation signed off to end of August 2024.
10.4 Expenses provided by BS approved
10.5 Writing off hard drive that has gone missing through changes of clerk approved
10.6 Purchase of a UPC mobile phone to provide single access point for all sign in security and that such funds will be moved from the reserve account into the day to day account approved
10.7 Recognised that there is no funding available from CIL for the playground
10.8 Recognised the subscription for OALC is going up to £180 + vat / annum
10.9 Approved renewal of SLCC annual membership due 1st November (£148.00)
10.10 Recognised payment of £500 made to the Village Fete as agreed October 2023 and approved in point 11.5 of minutes dated 22nd Nov 2023
10.11 Approved upgrade of Outlook to enable use of apps from £4.90 pcm to £10.30 pcm
10.12 Purchase of a post box as correspondence address for all Council matters proposed by BS with suggestion to locate on side of bus shelter and address 1, Coronation Field. A PO address is prohibitively expensive. FY preferred location on village hall and to share. CS to call Rob Traynor to discuss. If negative response agreed to proceed with plan A. Purchase of box agreed
10.13 Agreed costs of purchasing either replacement marquee poles broken during a storm whilst on loan, or replacement of complete frame to be circulated to the council for decision on way forward at next meeting
10.14 budget v. expenditure for first two quarters of year carried forward to next meeting to include September figures
To hear an update on the village questionnaire.
BS reported that not enough people are coming forward to get involved. With time marching on BH proposed hiring someone to do it. The purpose of the questionnaire is to guide the council on what to do for village. CS has someone in mind and agreed a fee would be offered of £200
To hear any updates on any aspect of the recreation ground including play areas and maintenance.
12.1 Replacement order of cushionfall for the playground considered. Suggested doing this in April next year as ground needs to be drier and robust. Decision to be made at next meeting.
At recent inspection advised netting on tunnel needs repairing or replacing. Repair not financially viable. Agreed to replace. Poles will need replacing in future. Get quote to be obtained from ARD for repair.
BS reported the broken fence at the end of the playground and advised the council is legally obliged to have cattle grade fencing there. The broken fence is dangerous. Palisade type fence needed. An article is needed in Upton News and on whatsapp to warn residents and advise to stop using this as an entry/exit. What is left of fence needs to be removed as hazard and it was agreed the broken fence must be made safe.
BS had to contact PCSO due to race crime with offensive grafitti that has been reported on recreation ground fencing. BH will have it removed with a sander.
BS advised tarmac on pump track beginning to deteriorate due to use. October budget will have additional funds allocated to this. Proposed by BS, seconded by FY and agreed unanimously. Quotes required
BS raised that the area behind pump track needs to be flailed. TFM asked to do it regularly. Needs budget allocated.
12.2 Repair or replacement of hinge on recreation barn door and purchasing a drop bolt to prevent further damage considered but proposal put forward to buy a secure container for storage. It could be painted and have plants grown up the sides. BH to get quote and carried over to next meeting
12.3 Way forward with storage for the marquee – see above
12.4 Proposal approved to ask Michael Wilson to quote to top/prune trees around nature garden as requested by some villagers but also agreed quotes should be obtained from TFM and Scofell with costs for hedgerow cut back split 50/50 with nature garden on best price.
To receive IT update regarding Village Website
Peter McLaughlin is speaking to current provider – awaiting update
To confirm the date and venue of the next full council meeting
Next full council meeting will be Wednesday 23rd October 2024 at 19.00 in the meeting room, Upton Village Hall.
Meeting declared closed 22.20