Wednesday 30th October 2024
In attendance: Ben Shaw (Chair)
Brendan Heneghan (BH) David Beckles (DB) Francoise Yates (FY) Chris Seelig (CS)
Lisa Heneghan (Clerk)
To note any apologies for absence None received
To elect a Chairman of the Finance Committee BS proposed all in favour.
To hear any Declarations of Interest None received
To review the Terms of Reference
New terms of reference adopted – all in favour.
- To review the estimates of receipts and payments for 2024/2025
5.1 Receipts to date & forecast to end of financial year showed an over spend.
5.1.2 The over spend was agreed at last year’s Financial Committee meeting and approved by full council with one vote against.
5.1.3 The over spend of £80 will be made up with facility hire of £170.
5.1.4 Football pitch rent from Ashleigh’s Girls’ Football – currently £20 per session. Going forward payment will have to be made for the car park as well
of £3 per hour
5.2 Payments to date & to end of financial year
5.2.1 There has been an overspend on Play area and footpath maintenance.
5.2.2 Donations have gone to CAB, British Legion, and fete,
5.2.3 By end of financial year anticipate spending a further £10k which will leave reserves in credit. This spend includes wood chippings, salary and survey.
5.2.4 The proposal to employ a Lengthman is not covered in budget for this year
Proposed to accept – all in favour.
5.3 Priorities/changes to the end of this financial year:
5.3.1 Hire of the Recreation Ground should include car park.
5.3.2 If people book the Village Hall, expectation parking comes with it. Proposed there should be a surcharge of £3/hour for parking. This price be added to Village Hall cost for booking and Village Hall to pay car parking fees to PC. If no charge for hall, then no charge for parking. i.e. only charging for commercial entities.
5.3.3 Responsibility of party booking hall to manage car parking; to unlock and relock gate at end of event when leaving.
5.3.4 If people use car park when an event is on and get locked in they will need to telephone a number to be let out and will be charged a fee for being let out of £100. Full details of this change in policy to be published to parishioners put on Village Hall website, Parish Council Web site, Upton News, FB and signage on entry and around car park.
5.3.5 Signage required. Propose to implement from April 2025.
VOTE for items 5.3.1 to 5.3.5 Three in favour, two abstained.
5.3.6 For overflow car park – additional amount proposed £50 flat fee (plus fee for tarmac car park of £3/hr) after work done to make ground good.
5.3.7 Noted if someone hires the hall and then uses the rec they need to pay for the car park and recreation ground as well – i.e. dog training classes
VOTE 6.6 to 6.7 All in favour.
6. To establish forecast of receipts and payments for 2025/2026
All agreed the PC as an entity is struggling and needs to raise revenue. Need to use assets at disposal to generate income. Some options:
6.1 Potential income
Proposal to have sponsorship manager for playground. FY volunteered. VOTE All in favour.
6.2 Priority tasks / projects:
6.2.1 Palisades fencing to be delayed to next financial year or later unless the legal clause enforced to replace broken fence at boundary with field in Trust.
VOTE 4 for 1 abstained
6.2.2 Purchase of a container proposed and to be line itemised on budget. Money for container needs to be moved to capital reserves.
VOTE 4 for 1 abstained.
6.2.3 It was suggested no further repairs of playground equipment but buy new instead when it can be afforded. Current budget for Play Area is £1500 which does not buy a piece of kit.
Voted on: 4 in favour 1 against
6.2.4 Insurance budget accepted as is what it is.
VOTE All in favour.
6.2..5 Village upkeep to be reviewed. Regular contractors TFM confirmed. But TFM contract to be managed and performance reviewed; the Bins and dog poo collections seem exceptional value. BH to take over management of contract when he has his new .gov email address.
6.2.6 The Nature Garden is prepared to spend £250 -£500 in the next year on plants but may be less if can get freebies or more if things die.
6.2.7 Employee(s) Numbers non changeable and all relevant detail agreed in personnel meeting (30th Oct) There is to be a budget plan added for Lengthman.
VOTE: 4 for I abstention
6.2.8 HMRC – will be affected after next year. NI contributions for 25/26 need to be looked at.
6.2.9 Christmas fund to go into reserves and reduced fund back to £100 for next year
VOTE All in favour.
6.2.10 Decision made not to continue donation to Royal Legion but just buy a wreath. Keep donation to CAB. Fete £500
VOTE All in favour.
6.2.11 Propose to move money into reserves that wasn’t moved last year as well as this year’s. to comply with audit guidelines.
VOTE All in favour.
6.2.12 Financial move of funds to reserve account for next year.
VOTE All in favour.
6.2.13 Propose to do overflow carpark next financial year. Need to obtain quotes.
VOTE All in favour.
6.2.14 Budgeted £3k receipt from Uptonogood for this year; to be increased as actual amount is £5600. The additional £2,600 to go to playground.
- To review all banking standing orders & direct debits
7.1 SOs – Microsoft will increase for new subscription licenses on laptop not web based. VOTE All in favour.
- DDs – Tesco mobile – confirmed and proceed. VOTE All in favour.
8. To review other obligations
8.1 Outgoing grants:
The Council has no regular outgoing grants, but has contributed to the Upton Summer Fete, Citizens Advice & Royal British Legion in the past. Propose £500 for fete; reduce British Legion just to wreath; CAB as is.
VOTE All in favour.
8.2 Contractors
8.2.1 TFM – grounds maintenance contract acknowledged BH to take over management when he has new email address.
VOTE All in favour.
8.2.2 RoSPA – annual & quarterly play area inspections.
VOTE All in favour.
9. To review the employee(s) salary & hours
- NALC pay award for 24/25 yet to be agreed.
- OALC recommend precept increase of min 5%
- Current employee hours per month
- Overtime policy review
Already voted in Personnel Committee meeting; Vote unanimous.
10. Reserves.
To review & agree the level of reserves needed for the next financial year. Only change is to £4100 for garage maintenance.
VOTE All in favour.
11. Capital projects. To establish reserves available for capital projects and to agree the budget for capital projects.
11.1 New projects agreed are car park overflow and container.
11.1.2 No new planned capital spend next year 2025 to 2026.
11.1.2 Only new emergency capital spend will be fence as it is a legal obligation.
11.2 Remedial works
- Replace poles for marquee. Marquees come as line item on budget-setting.
12. Precept for 2025/2026.
To agree the precept for the next financial year for recommendation to the full Parish Council. Agreed – put in sum (5%)
VOTE All in favour.
13. To review & agree any amendments to the Council’s Financial Regulations Last updated July 2023
Any changes to be agreed by resolution of the Council.
VOTE All in favour.
Updated as of Oct 2024 – new version
VOTE All in favour.
14. To review physical assets and liability – rec, garage, bus shelter, nature garden, mower, stihls, reviewed
VOTE All in favour.
15. To review the adequacy of the Risk Management Policy – nothing changed in last year. Need to send to FY & CS Proposed and accepted
VOTE All in 3 IN favour; 2 abstained.
16. To review the adequacy of Council Insurance cover Proposed look for new quotes for coming year – stick this year
VOTE All in favour.
17. Date of next meeting:- Wednesday 22nd October 2025 7.00pm TBC – pre meeting 2 months prior. To go on July agenda to give time to obtain quotes